
Eleen Vaughn

Automated Catalog

The WCSU elementary libraries have navigated to a new automated system.

We are now using Follett - you can browse our collection anytime. Destiny Catalog Link

Library Schedule - Monday mornings for most students. I am also available on Fridays while teaching STEM classes. 

Vermont Book Award Programs:

Red Clover Books - The best picture books of the year.

Golden Dome Books - Literature for students in grades 4 and up.

National Book Awards from The Association for Library Service to Children:

The Caldecott Award - The outstanding picture book of the year.

Newbery Book Awards - The outstanding children's literature book of the year.


World Book Encyclopedia Online

BA students and parents now have access to the World Book Online Reference while at school or at home. Email me if you need the username or password. 

Wonderopolis - This website is filled with information on many topics. Almost 300,000 questions have been answered. Students can read on their own or listen with their immersive reader.

The  World Factbook - You will find current information, maps, flags and more on all countries of the world at this website from the CIA. (266 world entities)

National Geographic for KIds - This is a great resource for animal reports - and more.


Kiddle - safe image search for children

Kiddle - safe search website

KidRex - A kid-safe search engine.


11 Great Kids Safe Search Engines (Many of the above are repeated.)


Look at all of the options above as well as these lists:

Lists from Imagination Soup - all ages.

SUMMER READING LISTS from the VTNEA - many choices

Scholastic - to browse or buy. - all ages