Classroom Expectations 

Classroom Expectations and Rules

“Respectful, Responsible, and Safe”

The Oak Grove Elementary Community has implemented

a positive behavior program called PBIS. This program

focuses on how our school community can demonstrate

being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Expectations of

such behaviors have been established for every place

within the school environment.

Ms. Murray’s Class Rules

~ I will be kind to myself and others.

~ I will be respectful to myself, others, and my school.

~ I will be responsible for my learning and my behavior.

~ I will be safe.

~I will listen and follow directions.

~I will always try my best.

~We will work as a team.

As students mature, rewards for positive behavior become less frequent, less immediate and less tangible; instead, students learn that positive behavior choices can earn verbal praise, special privileges, and sometimes rewards. In addition to verbal praise and acknowledgement, tickets and "Caught Being Goods" may be earned for consistently following rules, anywhere in the school.

Whole Group Rewards:

Student's can also earn whole class rewards using our "star chart." Stars are earned 

when the entire class is complemented for positive behavior.  For every 25 stars I will 

provide a treat, when the class reachers 100 stars, we will enjoy a class party that 

students will vote on! 


Encouraging and rewarding positive behavior is at the root of my classroom management and personal beliefs. However, students will be held accountable when breaking classroom rules or school rules. Consequences will most commonly include lost recess time. In other cases, such as refusal of work, students will be responsible for making that work up during their recess time, or lunch monitor time (not affecting their eating time.) With this said, I try to avoid negative consequences by encouraging positive behavior, building a community, and forming solid relationships with students.