Anxiety Lesson

Learning about anxiety and managing automatic thoughts.

What you'll need for this lesson:

A notebook or piece of paper and a pencil or pen. An open heart and mind. Enjoy!


What is it?

We’ve all experienced some kind of anxiety, whether it be meeting a significant other’s parents or stepping out on stage to give a big speech or perform a talent at school. Shortness of breath, clammy hands, and butterflies are all common bodily reactions to this feeling of nervousness. Soon after the task is completed, we tend to relax; our shortness of breath is gone and the butterflies fly away. For some people, however, these feelings persist even after the event, and sometimes there isn’t even an event that would cause these nerves, they just appear and linger.

Check out this video explaining anxiety!

What do we worry about?

School work



Parents & family

Things at home

Getting into trouble

Being ill or getting sick

We can worry about almost anything...It's normal to think about things. It helps keep us safe and manage dangers. Worries can help us think about things so that we can make sensible choices and decisions. But sometimes worries can get stuck and then we think about them all the time. So it's important to know...WE ALL HAVE WORRIES. It's how you manage them that counts.

QUESTION #1: Write down what makes you feel worried/anxious?

Signs & Symptoms:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • feeling physically sick (stomach aches, muscle aches, butterflies in stomach, heart racing, dizzy, headaches)
  • sweaty palms
  • irritable/ cranky
  • feeling lonely
  • scared/fearful
  • feeling sad
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • forgetful
  • tearful
  • avoiding people, places or difficult things
  • automatic thoughts (watch the video down below!)

QUESTION #2: Write down the signs/clues that YOUR body gives YOU when you're feeling anxious? (It'll be different for everybody- the above list is only a few examples).

What helps?

Ask for help- from friends and family and people you trust. Talk to them. Tell them whats going on. If you are feeling overwhelmed- ask for help on a project or problem.

Exercise- Doing physical activities like sports or dancing can help us relax and not think about our worries. It also gets our our serotonin levels to increase. AND SEROTONIN IS AMAZING! It helps improve your mood and increase concentration. So whether it's dancing in front of your bedroom mirror, boxing, running, biking, skiing- DO LOTS OF IT!

Drink water- Water helps flush out toxins in the body created by worry. Keep drinking that H2O (and kick your brother out of the bathroom a couple times a day).

Sleep well- Our bodies need sleep to keep them working properly. Grab a notebook and check out this video on Sleep & Creativity-

Take time to relax.

Breath slowly.

Choose a special memory- think of a happy time/.place when you were having fun.. Try to remember details about that day. Thinking of good memories makes us feel really good inside.

Reduce negative thinking and automatic thoughts. Grab your notebook or paper and check out this video explaining:

Question #3- Write down two helpful strategies, listed above, that you will try this week to manage anxiety.

End of lesson.

Have a great week! If you need assistance during this time do not hesitate to text or call the Dutchess County Helpline: 845-485-9700. They have someone available to talk 24 hours a day , 7 days a week.