Census at School


  1. Fill out the paper questionnaire you received in class.
  2. Some questions will require you to measure yourself with the help of classmates. (We have stations around the room.)
  3. Some questions will require you to use online apps. (reaction time, memory, sliders)
  4. When your questionnaire is complete you will complete the online survey.
  • Fourth Grade: Class ID = 308755
  • Fifth Grade: Class ID = 308756
  • Ask Ms. K. for the password or check Google Classroom under classwork.

When we have all completed our surveys, we will be able to download date for comparison. Think about which questions were most interesting to you.


Click here to begin to explore the data.

You can decide which year of data you want and how large a sample you want.

Then, choose a variable, or two. It will even make a graph for you.

What do you notice? (example: I notice that the ranges they used for reaction time don't make sense. The first range is 0 - 5000 seconds. 5000 seconds is more than 83 minutes. I can't imagine that there are many reactions times more than that.)

What questions do you have? (example: Why did they choose that range? Why are there more females than males represented?)

Take some notes in a Google Doc or in your notebook.


When we have all of our data entered, you will choose from one of the following project ideas.