9th Grade Elections

The purpose of Student Council at Sanderson High School is to develop and practice good citizenship in the student body, to provide direction of school activities, and assist in the management of student concerns.

Student Council members are involved with events such as:

If you are interested in joining, please read below for next steps. 

Optional Interest Meeting

Attending an interest meeting is highly recommended but not required. Students only need to attend ONE meeting: 

During the interest meeting, we will explain what Student Council does, expectations for members, and the application/election process. 

If you cannot attend one of the meetings, you are welcome to email Mrs. Chamblee (jmchamblee@wcpss.net) with questions. 

Record a Speech

Speeches are available for students to view while voting. You will record your speech on your own; you can use a laptop, tablet, or phone (landscape view is best). Speeches should be no more than 30 seconds and must be delivered alone. No music, props, or special effects are allowed. Talk slowly and clearly. There are two sample speeches linked below (you must be logged into your WakeID to view. 

Example Speech 1

Example Speech 2

Upload the final copy of your speech to Google Drive, and change the share settings to “share with Wake County Public School System”. You will copy and paste the link for your speech on the last slide of your application.

Submit your Application

Use the link below to complete the online application. You must be logged into your WakeID to access the application. 

Freshman Student Council Application

Applications must be submitted by Friday, September 8th at 11:59 PM. Late applications will not be accepted. When your application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email to your school email address. 


Campaigning begins September 11 and ends September 13. You may create up to three posters, and all must be appropriate. DO NOT tape to painted surfaces. DO NOT cover-up other posters or information items for clubs, etc. Clean up ALL campaign materials after elections are over. You are also allowed to campaign on social media. You are expected to run a fair campaign and be gracious to your opponents.  Your attitude and cooperation will determine if your name will appear on the final ballot.


Voting will take place through a Google Form on September 14 and 15. Only 9th graders vote in the elections for freshman class council. 14 students are elected to class council. The ballot will allow each voter to vote for up to 14 candidates. The ballot will close at 2:30 PM on September 15. 


Class advisors are able to appoint additional members to class council after elections. To be appointed, students must have participated in the traditional election process. For ninth graders, appointments are handled through a lottery. Approximately 16 students will be appointed to class council. Students who are appointed have all the same responsibilities and opportunities that elected students have. 


The current student body president will announce the elected and appointed members in the video announcements on Monday, September 18 during 2nd period. Names will also be posted on the @sandersonstudents Instagram account and emailed to all students who ran. 

Need help with your application or have questions? Email Mrs. Chamblee (jmchamblee@wcpss.net). Don't wait until the last minute to ask for help!