Student Council


The purpose of this organization shall be to develop and practice good citizenship in the student body, to provide direction of school activities, and assist in the management of student concerns.

What We Do

  1. Promote School Spirit

Sanderson Student Council encourages the participation in school events and activities, as well as supports the efforts of other clubs and organizations.

School Spirit Activities Include:

*Spartan Fridays and the sale of spirit merchandise

*Themed nights at Sanderson athletic events

*Homecoming, Winter, and Senior Spirit Week

*Senior parade, assembly, and picnic

*Senior Spirit Wall

  1. School wide Events

Student Council holds school wide events for all to enjoy!

School wide Events Include:

*Homecoming Dance, Winterfest Dance, and Prom

*Homecoming Powderpuff Game-Football for Girls

*Volleybros Game-Volleyball for Guys

*Holly Days

  1. Community Service

Student Council hosts a variety of events for the betterment of the school and community.

Community Service Events include:

*Campus Beautification

*Triangle Walk to Defeat ALS

*Cinderella Project

*Food Drive for Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina

  1. Staff Appreciation

Student Council recognizes the hard work of the staff throughout the course of the year

  1. Civic Responsibility

Student council holds school wide elections and encourages the democratic process.

Events include:

*School wide elections

*Voter Registration Drives

​*Constitution Day

  1. Student Leadership

Student council encourages and develops leadership skills for members as they grow into responsible citizens.

Events include:

*Freshmen Orientation

*Council Lock-in

*Council Cookouts

*Participation and representation on Athletic Boosters and PTO

*Participation in state and district leadership conferences

*Meetings with Wake County student body presidents