20/21 Expected Outcomes Objectives

Professional Learning

A strong school library program harnesses the collective leadership and expertise of the Media and Technology Advisory Committee/ Digital Portfolio and Bring Your Own Device Committee members to lead personalized professional learning on skills related to information literacy, digital citizenship, and digital learning.

Digital Learning Team Members

Felecia Washington - Media Specialist

Chelsea Hoag- Grade 5

Maria Mock- Grade 4

Jessica Armstrong- Grade 2

Erin Lanning- Grade 2

Jacky Pufky- Grade 2

Jennifer Parks- Grade 1

Margaret Heynen- Grade K

Gladys Washington- A. Principal

Tiffany Rich- Principal

MTAC, BYOD, and Digital Portfolio Committee Members

- This committee will oversee customization of training and support in the area of Digital Professional Learning for the Sanford Creek Elementary staff.

-As a result of the increase in Synchronous and Asynchronous learning, our focus this year will be to continue providing professional learning that will enhance our staff's ability to seamlessly integrate technology into the classroom curriculum.

Expected Outcome #1

Objective 1

Over the course of the 20-21 academic year, we will conduct at least two professional learning sessions on skills related to digital learning in order to enhance Remote student Learning. These sessions will be held during grade level PLT or remotely for the whole staff.

* We will continue with the development of organized video tutorials for staff development and house them on the school webpage with a security access feature for staff only.

*We will direct staff to visit the Wake County Digital Learning Coordinators site and Lunch and Learn sessions that support the integration of technology into grade level curriculums.