Collection Analysis

provides for an accurate assessment of our library

Quantitative Collection Analysis

shows how many books are in the SCES collection and average age

Qualitative Collection Analysis

Determines how well the SCES Collection is meeting the needs of stakeholders

Provides Student Choice

Data from the survey is used to determine the quality of the services and resources offered by the SCES Media Center.

This survey provides student choice into which books are added into the collection. Data from the survey is used to determine books that students desire to have in the SCES Media Center.

  • Teacher survey to assess the collection's alignment to the curriculum;

Provides input from the staff on books they would like added to the SCES collection that correlates to curriculum unit topics.

Supports Curriculum Area

Examine WCPSS Curriculum map overview to determine Grade level Units of Study

WCPSS K-5 Science Strands and Standards (5/20/2021)

2021 Vertical alignment - Science

2021-22 Vertical Alignment K-5 Social Studies

2021 Vertical Alignment - Social Studeis

Shows books in the collection that correlate to the Curriculum and helps determine where the gaps exist.

SCES Units of Study correlation to Dewey

Is Reflective of the Population

Ensure the collection reflects diversity in student population age, reading level, culture

Qualitative Survey Results

Based on this, students like book variety, checking out books, technology in the Media Center and a teacher that understands them. They also enjoy quiet reading time

Based on these results, students want newer books, more books (series, multiple copies of popular books, more graphic novels, pet books,war books, graphic novels) more quiet reading time, less computer time, more book projects, and no checkout limit.

Review Quantative and Qualitative data - decide where to build the collection.

Review Quantative Collection Analysis -determine which sections from SCES Units of Study Correlation to Dewey require more resources

Review Qualitative analysis to determine stakeholder needs for additional resources.

Based on survey results books to order include:

student- Guiness, civil war, pets, current biographies, graphic novels, jum crow , new favorite series, worn favorite series replacements, current series that have gaps,

teacher- diverse collections

follett collection/destiny balance- fiction, history, geography