For the last few years our Kindergarten classes have been able to receive classroom guidance lessons as a part of their specials rotation. This year they rotate from P.E, Music, Art, STEM, Media, Theater, and SEAL. On average Kindergarten students receive about 30 classroom guidance lessons a year!

This year, our kindergarteners will have SEAL class with Mrs. Edwards and will use the Second Step Program.

Click here for more information about Second Step.

Unit 1: Intro/Skills for Learning

1.1- Intro

1.2- Learning to Listen

1.3- Focusing Attention

1.4- Following Directions

1.5- Self-Talk for Staying on Task

Unit 2: Empathy

2.1- Being Assertive

2.2- Feelings

2.3- Identifying Anger

2.4- Same or Different?

2.5- Accidents

Unit 3: Emotion Management

3.1- Caring and Helping

3.2- We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies

3.3- Managing Frustration

3.4- Calming Down Strong Feelings

3.5- Handling Waiting

Unit 4: Emotion Management

4.1- Managing Anger

4.2- Managing Disappointment

4.3-Handling Being Knocked Down

4.4- Solving Problems

4.5- Inviting to Play

Unit 5: Problem Solving

5.1- Fair Ways to Play

5.2- Having Fun with Our Friends

5.3- Handling Having Things Taken Away

5.4- Handling Name-Calling

5.5- Reviewing Second Step Skills