Resources and Websites
I have added some of the resources that we have used in class for you to use at home.
Literary Terms Comprehensive List
Transition Words: list/examples and explanation
Metacognitive Article Reading Comprehension and Summary directions and form
Vocabulary Sheet: Definitions and Application
Writing Sentences: Sentence Expansion
Metacognitive Questions( to ask as you are reading for annotations)
Other Links
Newsela (for articles on current events)
Discovery ed Online resources (wakeid portal)
Readworks-Online Reading Comprehension Activities
ReadWriteThink-Parent and afterschool resources
Owl at Perdue Help with research papers, citations, and MLA format Online grammar help and interactive quizzes
Athens Oracle Our school's newspaper
At-Home Learning:UNC-TV and NC Department of Instruction Partnership
WCPSS Info- Student and Parent Expectations and Guidelines for Remote Learning