Subject/Verb Agreement

Subject/Verb Agreement

  1. If a subject is plural, the verb must have a plural form, and if the subject is singular, the verb must have a singular form. Ignore prepositional phrases.

    1. The rose in the vase is wilted. (Ignore in the vase)

    2. The roses in the vase are wilted. (Ignore in the vase)

    3. The man in the woods lives alone. (Ignore in the woods)

    4. The length of these boats is twenty feet. (Ignore of these boats)

  1. If subjects are joined by and you will use a plural form unless the two items describe the same person or thing.

    1. The coach and the umpire were at home plate.

    2. The creator and director of Schindler’s List is Stephen Spielberg.

    3. Both the cha-cha and the rumba are Cuban dances.

    4. Macaroni and cheese is my favorite snack.

  1. If the subjects are joined by or look at the word closest to the verb to choose the correct form.

    1. The teacher or the students are bringing snacks.

    2. The students or the teacher is bringing snacks.

    3. Neither the coach nor the players know the umpire.

    4. Neither the players nor the coach knows the umpire.

  1. Each, either, one, everybody, and anyone are considered singular and require singular verbs.

    1. Either of them is willing to shovel the driveway.

    2. Each has brought a ticket to the counter.

    3. Everybody has a parking spot.

  1. All, any, some, none, and most can be singular or plural; it depends on the sentence.

    1. Some of the books are very valuable.

    2. Some of the tea is left in the pitcher.

    3. All of the players were angry.

    4. All of the ice is gone.

  1. If the subject follows the verb, simply reverse the order in your mind to figure out the correct usage.

    1. Where are Sara and Julia? (Sara and Julia are here)

    2. Here are the girls. (The girls are here)

    3. Where is that yellow chalk? (The yellow chalk is over there)

    4. Here is the reason. (The reason is...)