Keyboarding and Digital Literacy

Keyboarding & Basic Word Processing


Digital Literacy

Course Description:

This course offers instruction on the Computer Keyboard and Digital Literacy. Students will develop touch typing skills for the alphanumeric keyboard, as well as get an introduction to basic word processing formatting, skills, and techniques. General computer Digital Literacy, such as Computer Terminology and Internet Safety, will also be covered.

- Technique and Ergonomics

- Speed/Accuracy Development

- Basic Word Processing - Editing and Formatting, Business Letters, Tables

- Digital Literacy

Keyboarding and Basic Word Processing (first nine weeks) - Course Outline:

1.00: Understand and apply the touch method in operating the alpha keys

1.01: Implement proper keyboard techniques

1.02: Execute the touch method in operating the alphabetic keys

2.00: Understand and apply the touch method in operating number and symbol keys

2.01: Execute the touch method in operating the number/symbol keys

2.02: Execute the touch method in operating the numeric keypad

3.00: Understand and apply the touch method in operating the keyboard while increasing speed and accuracy

3.01: Understand how to determine an individual's GWAM (Gross Words a Minute) to determine progress

4.00: Understand formatting skills in documents processing

4.01: Apply formatting and editing features and operational keys appropriately

4.02: Apply paragraph formats effectively

4.03: Apply business document formatting techniques appropriately and effectively

4.04: Apply table formatting techniques appropriately and effectively

Digital Literacy (second nine weeks) - Course Outline:

1.00: Understand computer basics

2.00: Understand the Internet & the World Wide Web

4.00: Understand Computer Security & Privacy

5.00: Understand Digital Lifestyles

Daily agenda, assignments, study materials, and notes are located in Canvas.

Missing Work: Check PowerSchool for a “0” on missing work. “0” will be erased when work is turned in and graded. Check Canvas for assignment directions.