Student Services
Mills Park Middle School
Our Vision
The vision of Mills Park Middle School's comprehensive counseling program is for every student to succeed in middle school, high school and beyond having acquired the academic, career and personal/social skills to reach their fullest educational potential and to successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens in our complex and fast changing world.
Our Mission
The mission of the MPMS Counseling Department is to provide a comprehensive and data driven program that addresses students' academic achievement and career goals while supporting their social and emotional learning. All students have equal access to academic, personal/social and career development that will prepare all students to each reach their full potential and lead productive lives as creative, effective communicators and critical thinkers in our ever changing world. Because our school is fostered in a spirit of collaboration, our Counselors each work as leaders who partner with not only our own school community, but also educational stakeholders and community partnerships in order to build an atmosphere of equity and socially responsible lifelong learners that become productive citizens.
Emails are generally checked during normal school hours when school is in session. If you are having a mental health emergency, please don't wait for a response email, instead, call 911 or one of these emergency resources:
Alliance Health Crisis Response 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-510-9132 or 919-560-7100
Mobile Crisis Services 24/7 Phone: 1-877-626-1772
The National Suicide 24/7 Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE
Crisis Text Line text "START" to 741-741
6th Grade
Sarah Francavilla, NBCT
6th Grade Counselor
(Finley and Scherschel homerooms)
919-466-1500 ext. 20825
Alison Vroome
6th Grade Counselor
(McArthur and Walski homerooms)
919-466-1500 ext. 20828
7th Grade
Aly Leiva
7th Grade Counselor
Gold Team
919-466-1500 ext. 20826
Ashley Raab, NBCT
7th Grade Counselor
Purple Team
919-466-1500 ext. 20829
8th Grade
Student Services
Colette Marshall
Student Services Assistant
919-466-1500 ext. 20833
919-670-4240 (FAX)