Our Classes

We will access classroom materials via Canvas. Each class has a team name that reflects a special dish of our many cultures. We're going to have lots of fun with this concept this year. Familiar with these dishes below? If not, look them up! They're all deliciosos! 

Supplies - You will need the following: 

and occasionally we will use colored pencils or markers for creative activities.  I suggest you have a pair of inexpensive headphones that you keep with you in your backpack daily. We value our listening activities and believe listening in our headphones is most optimal for language learning. 

Speaking - Speaking is a necessary component of language learning. Our class can be beneficial in many other academic and social areas of your life. Public speaking is a great fear of many, but we will continue to practice and support each other in our classroom. Remember, "This is a safe place to make mistakes." I've added a team member to help us with speaking this year. Say HOLA to Señor Coco Cafe...grab him if you get nervous during your speaking assessment...listen, even my high school students loved this concept and it helped them tremendously! Hola Sr. Coco Cafe!!!