Setting Focus Area Goals

After determining the focus area for the school library media program, the school library media coordinator should work with the MTAC to set specific goals for what they hope to achieve within the focus area throughout the school year.

When setting goals for the school library program:

  • Review the School Improvement Plan. What specific steps are outlined there? Is there a way for the school library program to support those steps through WakeForward?

  • Refer to the WakeForward Digital Portfolio site. What goals have other schools set in this focus area?

Refer to the Sample Outcomes for WakeFoward Focus Areas document for suggestions. School library media coordinators may find that these suggestions can also support the writing of their PDP.


Do these goals have to be SMART goals?

It’s up to you. You should write them in a way that makes the most sense to your MTAC, and aligns with the work of your school improvement plan. You want everyone to be able to clearly understand what you’re hoping to accomplish.

Can I use the WakeForward focus area goals as my PDP goals for my evaluation?

We hope so! Remember, WakeForward is a tool that was created to help make it easier for you to collaborate with your MTAC. We don’t want it to feel like something extra. Ideally, if you collaborate with your MTAC to identify goals for the school library program, your PDP should be related to those goals as well.