MTAC Digital Portfolio

Schools have created a digital portfolio that highlights the efforts of their MTAC and the growth of their school library program each year. The digital portfolio is a living document that should be updated throughout the school year as goals are set and evidence toward progress is accumulated.

All portfolios are curated on the WakeForward Digital Portfolio site. The portfolios serve as a way to curate the work of the MTAC at each school over time, and are a valuable resource for school library media coordinators, MTACs, and administrators who are looking for examples of work done across the district.

Best Practices

  • Make sure the digital portfolio sits in a shared drive or shared folder that all MTAC members can access. This allows for others on the MTAC to assist with updating the digital portfolio, and allows ownership to easily transfer when school library media coordinators or MTAC members leave the school.

  • Avoid first-person singular voice. This is not a personal portfolio, so it shouldn’t read like one. When writing reflections, references to “the MTAC”, “our team”, and “the school library” sound more appropriate than “I” or “my”. Keep in mind that others will inherit this portfolio if the school library media coordinator changes schools or retires, so the tone should be one that can be kept consistent regardless of who is in the position.

  • Make sure there are no elements of the template that remain in the portfolio.

  • Have a colleague who isn’t part of your MTAC and doesn’t have edit access to the portfolio review the site. Make sure they can access all embedded documents and slides, and that they are able to see recent updates.

  • WakeForward Digital Portfolio Evidence and Reflection

WakeForward Digital Portfolios--Evidence and Reflection


My MTAC doesn’t have a digital portfolio. What do we do?

Check the WakeForward Digital Portfolio site to make sure there isn’t a portfolio listed for your school. If you need to create a portfolio, you can use the WakeForward Digital Portfolio Template to get started. Make sure to read all of the instructions carefully, and follow the best practices outlined above. Email your published link to Susan Bock.

Do we need to create a new portfolio every year?

No! Once your portfolio is created, you can easily add to it each year. That way, all of the work the MTAC has done will be documented in one place. View a sample of a site that has multiple years represented here.