My Child as an ELL
To meet Title III requirements, North Carolina belongs to the WIDA Consortium and uses its language standards to assess English Language Learner (ELL) progress using the WIDA Screener placement test to determine program eligibility and the ACCESS test to determine yearly language growth and language proficiency.
State Testing - ACCESS
All students that are identified as an "English Language Learner" are required by the state to take the ACCESS test every year. This includes all students, even if they are not being served directly by the ESL teacher. Testing usually takes place between January and March. Students are tested in four domains: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. More information is sent home as the testing date approaches. Please contact Ashley Nagel if you have any questions regarding ACCESS testing.
Academic Language
This video explains the types of language demands your child will encounter in school and how to help them as they learn.
Language Standards
This video provides information on the language standards used to measure your child's English language proficiency.