Research Resources

Using Information Responsibly

As you are creating digital projects, you need to remember to respect others' works by asking permission and giving credit for any information, images, or other media that you use.  If you are using other people's ideas you need to give them credit for taking their idea.  Below are some helpful websites about how to cite information.

Copyright Friendly Images

Sometimes it's hard to know who created an image, so we look for ones that have already been freely shared. Here are a list of websites that you can use to find images that have been shared for educational use. In most cases, you should still give credit!

Image Citation Format:

Author of image. "Name of Image." Website Name, Year Image Made, URL for image/ license.

Photographs                                                                                              Clipart

Google Images

Google can be a good search engine for information and images but you must use it responsibly. Follow the steps below to make sure you are using images that are allowed to be used.