Book Club

What is the EM3 Book Club? The purpose of the EM3 Book Club is to provide a space for students to explore a diverse range of books, analyze their themes, and engage in thoughtful conversations with peers. Throughout the school year, we will dive deeper into literature through stories both as a group and individually, work creatively on projects, and participate in different activities.

You do NOT need to have a high reading level to join. The club is open to all EM3 students, including readers, wanna-be-readers, and students looking to improve their literacy skills. All are welcome.

When does this club happen? Meetings are held every Wednesday after school from 2:30-4:30.

You can join the club at ANY point in the school year. A signed form must be turned in before joining a meeting.

The benefits of participating in the EM3 Book Club include nurturing/creating critical thinking/literacy skills, enhancing public speaking abilities, and cultivating a sense of companionship among peers. Furthermore, exposure to diverse literature can broaden perspectives on different topics. 

So far this year...

First Group Read: The Hunger Games

Second Group Read: The Outsiders
