Digital Portfolios in Math
Why are we here?
Welcome to Digital Portfolio in Math
Participants will:
- Discuss connections between digital portfolios and the mathematical teaching practices
- Explore examples of artifacts and reflection activities to incorporate in digital portfolios
- Plan opportunities to use existing assignments and performance tasks in digital portfolios
- Create at least 1 artifact in a Digital Portfolio
Whole Group
Whole Group
Pre Session Email
Pre Session Email
Welcome & Agenda
Welcome & Agenda
- Intro and Goals
- Why Digital Portfolios?
Ice Breaker -
Ice Breaker -
Tour of Digital Portfolios in Math Resource Website
Tour of Digital Portfolios in Math Resource Website
- Clarify site navigation and layout of artifacts and support resources
Create Your Digital Portfolio- 1 Page (If you didn't do it ahead of time)
Create Your Digital Portfolio- 1 Page (If you didn't do it ahead of time)
- Digital Portfolios: Create Your Shell
Artifact Explore/Collaboration
Artifact Explore/Collaboration
- Independent or in groups
- Whole Group Reflect: Show and Tell what excites you
Artifact Collection
Artifact Collection
- Time to work on using tools to create a personal artifact for your portfolio
- Go to the Opening Page of your grade level OR the Resources Section
Small Groups
Small Groups
In depth Tool Explore
In depth Tool Explore
- Google Tools (camera into draw) (Tanya)
- Seesaw (Juliette)
- SCREENCAST Extensions & Math Apps (Tanya)
- Flipgrid (Walt)
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers
Reflection- Answer the following questions on a section of your new digital portfolio
Reflection- Answer the following questions on a section of your new digital portfolio
- What are your next steps for your personal digital portfolio?
- What is your next step with students adding artifacts into their digital portfolios?
- Go to Create a meme that expresses your feelings and add to your Google Site (NOT approved for student use) - Choose Session 22- Math Practices through Digital Portfolios
Breaking Ice
Breaking Ice
Let's talk and move!
Ice Breaker Resources
Ice Breaker Resources
Digital Portfolios
Digital Portfolios
Math Practices
Math Practices
Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices.pdf
Effective Math Teaching Practices
School Improvement Indicators
Time to Share
Time to Share
Small Group Collaboration
Small Group Collaboration
Decide on 1 digging deeper tool
- SCREENCAST is introduced on ALL corners
- Seesaw (Juliette)
- Google Tools ( camera into draw) (Tanya)
- Flipgrid (Walter)
Meet your Digging Deeper Guide in the designated area.
Guided Explore with the Digging Deeper Tool
Question and Answer
Meme Reflection
- Visit
- Search for an emotion
- Add text
- Right Click to Choose Save As
- In your Google Site, choose Images and Upload
- Put into your Google Sites Reflection Section