When to Practice

How Often

Practices are generally held twice each week but vary on the days depending on the events (see the "Typical Weekly Practice Schedule" below for details).  You are encouraged to attend as often as you can, both to prepare for tournaments and to further your friendships with others on the team.  If you cannot attend practice, please contact the head coach via Remind and/or email.  All team members, including prospective members, must practice at least one time in front of a coach before they may attend a tournament.   

How to Stay Informed

The schedule posted below is for typical weeks but is subject to change if there are workdays, holidays, and/or faculty meetings.  Always check the "Announcements" tab at the top of the website for the most up-to-date information.  The head coach will send a Remind on every weekend during the season with the most updated information, including the practice schedule for the following week and any upcoming registration deadlines and other team announcements.  

Typical Weekly Practice Schedule

All practices regularly last from 2:30-3:45.  Please plan to stay the entirety of the time.  Some practices may run over but usually not for more than fifteen minutes.   

Day                Event                                    

Monday         Lincoln-Douglas                                            

Tuesday         Congress                             

Wednesday    Public Forum                            

Friday             Congress (on tournament weeks)                            
