Mrs. Fields

Meet Mrs. Fields

My name is Cindy Fields. I have been teaching for 17 years.  Although I have taught many grade levels, first grade is my favorite! I am so excited to become part of the Barton Pond Elementary family and community. 

I grew up in Rochester, NY and moved to Raleigh in 2005. I have been teaching in WCPSS teaching in Wake County for 16 years. This will be my 10th year teaching first grade. I graduated from SUNY Brockport and then continued to earn a dual Masters Degree in Education and Special Education at Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, NY. My husband, Mark and I have 2 children,  Ethan and Taylor. We keep busy playing lots of sports, including lacrosse, golf and tennis. We also have a very spoiled dog named Gunner.

I can't wait to work with all of my First Grade Friends in the 2023-2024 school year! I know great things await!