
At the end of the project students write a report where they reflect on the process they have gone through for this project. Please see the information below from the MYP Guide about the Personal Project Report, followed by a template and some further information with tips for writing the report!

"The MYP personal project report demonstrates a student’s engagement with his or her personal project by summarizing the experiences and skills recorded in the process journal.

The report should be presented in identifiable sections that address the MYP project objectives— planning, applying skills, and reflecting. The report must include evidence for all the strands of all criteria.

The format of the report for the personal project can vary depending on the resources available and the interests of the students. Students should take into consideration learning preferences, personal strengths, and available resources when deciding on the best format for the report. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is essential to demonstrate the elements of the report and reach the highest levels of the criteria. The student’s supervisor is responsible for providing guidance on the format of the report.

Be sure to visit the pages on this website corresponding to each of the three criteria.