About the Personal Project

What are the aims of the MYP Personal Project?

The Aims of the Personal Project:


    • explore an interest that is personally meaningful

    • take ownership of their learning by undertaking a self-directed inquiry


    • transfer and apply skills in pursuit of a learning goal and the creation of a product


    • recognize and evidence personal growth and development.

What will students learn through the MYP Personal Project?

The Personal Project involves students in a wide range of activities to extend their knowledge and understanding and to develop their skills and attitudes.

These student-planned learning activities include:

  • deciding what they want to learn about, identifying what they already know, and discovering what they will need to know to complete the project

  • creating proposals or criteria for their project, planning their time and materials, and recording developments of the project

  • making decisions, developing understandings and solving problems, communicating with their supervisor and others, and creating a product or developing an outcome evaluating the product/outcome and reflecting on their project and their learning.

As students become involved in the self-initiated and self-directed learning process, they will find it easier to construct in-depth knowledge on their topic, and develop an understanding of themselves as learners.

Information in this site courtesy of: International Baccalaurate Organization. Middle Years Programme Projects Guide, 2021