Out of Province Resources

Out of Country

No Transcript Provided:

If a student is unable to provide a transcript you can have them complete an Affidavit, or use Evidence Sheets to determine equivalencies.

Sample Affidavit -An affidavit should be used when a student is unable to obtain original transcripts from their previous country due to war or refugee status.

Evidence Sheets - These sheets can be used to help determine students prior learning

Transcript Provided:

If a student has a transcript and is planning on pursuing post-secondary you can recommend they have it assessed through ICAS or WES credential evaluation centers. Students should always check with the college and university first as these institutions have preferences.

Credential assessment can be expensive - you can probably avoid having them pay for a high school equivalency assessment with a little research. Start with the CESBA resource below. If you cannot find the country's high school information, then research the school and the country's Ministry of Education to determine legitimacy.


WES - World Education Services, credential evaluation of recognized institutions (secondary and post-secondary) to comparable Canada or US programs

ICAS - International Credential Assessment Services

CESBA Resource Link - OSSD equivalents from Other Countries (2007) . Resource is dated however it has examples of transcripts with their ICAS equivalencies.