CESBA Resources
CESBA (full name: The Ontario Association of Adult and Continuing Education School Board Administrators) is a provincial non-profit professional association that represents, advocates for and supports adult and continuing education (A&CE) program staff working in nearly 60 school boards across Ontario.
CESBA (full name: The Ontario Association of Adult and Continuing Education School Board Administrators) is a provincial non-profit professional association that represents, advocates for and supports adult and continuing education (A&CE) program staff working in nearly 60 school boards across Ontario.
CESBA Mission: To provide adult, alternative and continuing education program staff working in Ontario’s school boards with the knowledge, skills and abilities to assist learners in achieving their education and employment goals.
CESBA Mission: To provide adult, alternative and continuing education program staff working in Ontario’s school boards with the knowledge, skills and abilities to assist learners in achieving their education and employment goals.
CESBA website - Search under Programs - PLAR
CESBA website - Search under Programs - PLAR
E-Community – request access through your school board
E-Community – request access through your school board
Link to Sample Form for use of old credit codes - for linking co-op courses
Link to Sample Form for use of old credit codes - for linking co-op courses