Resources for Electronic Submissions & Course Codes

School Board SMS Instructions

Trillium - WCDSB

Maplewood - DSB Ontario NE

PowerSchool - HWDSB

Aspen - WCDSB

Note: The Mature flag/toggle must be turned on in the SMS to ensure PLAR funding is captured in the ONSiS report.

A Note about Course Codes and PLAR

QEV is the code for credits received in the Grade 9 program from 1993–94 to 1998–99 (a total of 8 credits, including the compulsory credits).

PLE is the code for equivalent credits granted as one total for the following:

-previous learning through home schooling in Ontario, at a non-inspected private school in Ontario, or at a school outside Ontario (PPM129) example: PLE1NQ and PLE3NQ

-previous learning in Grades 9 and 10 for mature students who entered or re-entered the Ontario secondary school system on February 1, 2004, or later (PPM132) example: PLE1N0, PLE1N1, PLE1N2

Note: OnSIS report shows both PPM129 and PPM132 credits granted as PLE99. The difference is that credits granted for mature students under PPM132 are funded - the mature status flag must be on to receive this funding.

Mature Student Assessment vs PLAR

The following codes are used to grant equivalent credits to mature students who entered or re-entered secondary school before February 1, 2004 ( when PPM132 came into effect). These students may graduate under SSGD requirements (started high school in Ontario prior to 1984) or OS:IS requirements ( started high school in Ontario between Sept. 1984-June 1999).

QEE (equivalent-education credit)

QAP (apprenticeship-training credit)

QMA (maturity-allowance credit)

QSE (credit for course work completed outside Ontario)

Note: Under SSGD diploma requirements, a student may be granted up to 23 Maturity Credits (no more than 12 in one code area). Under OS:IS they may be granted up to 26 Maturity Credits (no more than 12 in one code area).