Senior Life
Hopefully this will be a central hub for all senior related information to help you navigate this exceptionally crazy year.
Stay connected WITH the CLASS OF 2020!!!
Class instagram: @ECGauchos2020 Class email:
Remind code: @gaucho2020
For push notifications of senior updates and deadline reminders, download the app for REMIND and join a class using the code above OR text the code above to 81010 if you only want text reminders.
School Website School instagram: @instagauchos
Senior Leadership Officers are gifting each EC 2020 Senior a class crewneck.
We understand that this year has been a crazy one and not getting your senior class crewneck was disappointing for some folks. We kept the design simple and without "seniors" on it since you are all graduated. It is a Hanes 50/50 crewneck in the color "fatigue green."
Place your order by July 25th.
Only one crewneck per senior. Please use your First & Last name as listed in PowerSchool to verify your order.
Orders are on their way directly to you!! Be on the look out around August 12-14th!
Click the underlined links to get you to the appropriate page. =)
diplomas will be available for pick up
at the attendance window beginning
JuLY 1st, 2020
on Wednesdays and Thursdays ONLY
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Yearbooks and Class Tshirts (L-3XL) will also be available for pick-up or purchase.
Transcript Request Form, click HERE
Class T-shirts are still available for pick-up or purchase at the main office.
Available sizes XS -> 4XL (XS - M limited)
All yearbook info can be found on the yearbook page.
Attending college/university? Going into the military? Getting certified or becoming an apprentice? Take a gap year? Starting an internship or a job?
Share your post high school plans with us on instagram @echs2020plans
If you would like to stay connected with classmates and ECHS after graduation, be a part of any future organized reunions, or just be recorded as part of the class of 2020 at ECHS through the Archiving Project, please take a few minutes to fill out this form.