College Search

From the home page click on the “Colleges” link in the upper right corner. Here you can search for colleges by name.

Type in the name of the college to learn the average price of attendance, degrees offered, admission information, college application deadlines, and other information that will help you decide if this is a college you want to consider.

If this is a college you are “Thinking About”, simply click the heart next to the school name at the top of the page.

Not sure which college would be right for you? Use the Super Match to help you find one! From the “Colleges” page the “Super Match” link will help you find a college to meet your wants and needs. Need a college to be within a 3 hour radius of Salisbury? Designate that criteria as a “Must Have.” Would you like it to offer Choir or Band? Designate that as “Nice to Have.” It takes the criteria you have selected and finds colleges that match what you are looking for in a college.