504 Accommodation Plans/Revisions (Counselors)
Accept requests from parents and/or teachers
Evaluate the need for new plans
Modify/revise existing plans/accommodations
Assist parents and teachers with carrying out accommodations remotely
Social Emotional Learning (Counselors)
Assist teachers in teaching weekly Second Step Lessons
Assist and support teachers with providing additional connectedness activities for students
Gifted Screening (Counselors)
Accept requests from parents and/or teachers
Carry out the screening process prior to students possibly being evaluated by school psychologist
Communicate with parents and staff in regards to progress, process, and results
Individual and Group Counseling (Counselors and Mental Health Specialists)
Provide counseling services as needed for individual students
Provide counseling services as needed for groups of students who would benefit from group activity (ex. friendship skills, changing families, stress reduction, etc.)
Meet with parents as needed in order to provide assistance in supporting their child's emotional needs at home
Team Representation (Counselors and Mental Health Specialists)
Attend IEP meetings as an LEA (Local Educational Agency Representative)
Core member of MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports) team (discuss students' progress and possible barriers to academic success)
Connectedness (Counselors)
Building specific "drop-ins" "hang outs" and "get-togethers" for students to build connections with classmates and teachers
Resilience (Counselors)
Building and need specific informational sessions on building organizational skills, executive functioning skills, and emotional resilience
Emotional Safety (Counselors)
Building and need specific help and strategies provided to build emotional safety at home and upon the return to school
Communication with Parents and Students
Schoology Connection pages for each grade level
Schoology messaging for groups and individuals
Information distribution
Additional support resources
Calendly links to schedule appointments
Miscellaneous Counseling-related services
Academic questions answered
Support in completion of Naviance artifacts
Collaboration in team meetings
Support with time management/EF Support