
APT Program - Achieve, Progress, Transition

The Achieve Progress Transition (APT) program provides academic and mental health services in a small environment for students in 9th through 12th grade. APT is an intensive regular education intervention, designed to significantly support at-risk students.

Each of the three WCASD high schools have dedicated APT programs designed to serve their student population. Supports and services provided through APT can be tailored to individual student needs, while empowering students to make growth towards the goal of transitioning out of the program.


Each counselor meets with their 12th grade students individually to discuss their plans for post-graduation. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this conference with their student. Topics covered in the individual conference include:

  • Transcript review: credits, GPA, activities, and remaining graduation requirements

  • College application process

  • SAT/ACT scores and submission to colleges

  • Scholarships and Financial Aid resources


Each counselor will meet with their 11th grade students individually during the 2nd or 3rd marking period to discuss their plans for post-graduation whether the student considers themselves college bound or career bound. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this conference with their student. Information covered in the junior conference will include a review of the student’s transcript, GPA, class rank, and course selection for senior year. Counselors will use Naviance with juniors to work on:

  • Setting SMART goals

  • Creating/updating their resume

  • College searches

  • SAT/ACT prep

  • Scholarship opportunities

  • Financial Aid resources

  • Career Planning for college and career bound students


In the Spring, counselors meet with the sophomore class to focus on career exploration. This contact will occur in classroom size groups using Naviance. In the sophomore year, students will take career interest and abilities inventories and explore career clusters also based on activities, personal qualities,and school subjects . Naviance can be further utilized to access information on careers related to apprenticeships, military occupations, college majors, technical schools, and 2 and 4-year colleges.


Counselors meet with freshmen in small groups throughout the year. These small group meetings allow counselors to introduce themselves to freshmen and ensure they are experiencing a positive transition to high school. In the Spring, counselors begin to meet with freshmen during individual developmental conferences. Counselors use Naviance to guide the conference.

504 Accommodation Plans/Revisions (Counselors)

  • Accept requests from parents and/or teachers

  • Evaluate the need for new plans

  • Modify/revise existing plans/accommodations

  • Assist parents and teachers with carrying out accommodations remotely

Social Emotional Learning (Counselors)

  • Support Health teachers in facilitation of Social Emotional Learning Lessons

Gifted Evaluation (Counselors)

  • Participate in evaluation plan

Individual & Group Counseling (Counselors and Mental Health Specialists)

  • Provide counseling services as needed for individual students

  • Provide counseling services as needed for groups of students who would benefit from group activity (ex. interpersonal skills/relationship building, changing families, stress reduction, etc.)

  • Meet with parents as needed in order to provide assistance in supporting their child's emotional needs at home

Team Representation (Counselors and Mental Health Specialists)

  • Attend IEP meetings as an LEA (Local Educational Agency Representative)

  • Core member of MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports) team (discuss students' progress and possible barriers to academic success)

Connectedness (Counselors)

  • Building specific "drop-ins" "hang outs" and "get-togethers" for students to build connections with classmates and teachers

Resilience (Counselors)

  • Building and need specific informational sessions on building organizational skills, executive functioning skills, and emotional resilience

Emotional Safety (Counselors)

  • Building and need specific help and strategies provided to build emotional safety at home and upon the return to school