On The Air

Weekly Training Net

Join us each Monday at 8:30 PM on the 146.865- Repeater for our weekly net.
This net is open to all Ham Radio Operators

WCARA Band Plan

WCARA uses the basic band plan of the Warren County AuxComm team.  The band plan is listed below.

Simplex Frequencies

EVENT 145.550 118.8 ED Event Simplex Frequency
TAC-1 147.490 Simplex Tactical Frequency 1
TAC-2 146.480 Simplex Tactical Frequency 2
TAC-3 145.580 Simplex Tactical Frequency 3
TAC-4 147.520 Simplex Tactical Frequency 4
TAC-5 146.510 Simplex Tactical Frequency 5
TAC-6 145.610 Simplex Tactical Frequency 6
TAC-7 147.550 Simplex Tactical Frequency 7
TAC-8 146.540 Simplex Tactical Frequency 8
TAC-9 145.640 Simplex Tactical Frequency 9
TAC-10 147.580 Simplex Tactical Frequency 10
UTac-1 446.025 118.8 ED UHF Simplex Tactical Frequency 1
UTac-2 446.050 118.8 ED UHF Simplex Tactical Frequency 2
UTac-3 446.075 118.8 ED UHF Simplex Tactical Frequency 3
UTac-4 446.100 118.8 ED UHF Simplex Tactical Frequency 4
UTac-5 446.125 118.8 ED UHF Simplex Tactical Frequency 5

 E = encode / transmit PL to other radios D = decode / receive PL from other radios to open squelch

WC8EMA Repeaters (Owned and operated by Warren County AuxComm)

Name: Primary
Type: FM Voice Repeater
Frequency: 146.865- (146.265 input) 118.8 PL

Name: Central
Type: Mixed Mode
Frequency: 444.1875+ (449.1875 input)

Name: 831 Lebanon
Node on the Miami Valley P25 repeater system. http://www.miamivalleyp25.group
Type: P25 Digital
Frequency: 443.1500+ (448.1500 input)

OARC (Ohio Area Repeater Council Inc)

Website Link [Click Here]

About the OARC

In the late 1950's inventive Hams began experimenting with connecting the output of a receiver to the input of a transmitter. Some additional circuitry allowed this arrangement to provide automatic retransmission of amateur signals. These "repeaters" provided a much greater range of dependable communications on the VHF and UHF bands. Because of the proliferation of these "repeaters", the F.C.C. decided in 1972 to require special "WR" prefix licenses for these stations. These licenses were issued with limitations on station coverage (ERP).

With the increasing availability of equipment specifically designed for VHF & UHF service, Hams became more interested in constructing repeaters. As the quantity and profiles of repeaters increased, so did interference from various sources. Repeater frequency coordination was becoming increasingly necessary. In the winter of 1970, a meeting was held in Philadelphia, PA at which the concept of coordination was agreed upon (on 2 meters, the use of a 600 KHz offset). This was the preliminary step to forming groups like the O.A.R.C. where repeater Trustees and technicians met to discuss their respective problems and institute the concept of repeater coordination. Shortly thereafter, the O.A.R.C. was organized.

In the 1980's the F.C.C. suddenly stopped issuing "WR" callsigns and deregulated the construction of repeaters. An increasing number of repeater applications resulted. Some F.C.C. backed authority became necessary to give the repeater councils the ability to enforce coordination.

In 1984 the F.C.C. issued a rule change basically giving repeater councils the authority to sanction a repeater before it was put on the air to make an attempt to limit the interference to existing users of a frequency. "Coordination" is interpreted to mean a system approved for operation by a select organization of Hams knowledgeable in the various intricacies of repeaters and their operation. In order to follow this guideline, the Ohio Area Repeater Council was restructured and the Constitution was updated to better describe the function it had already been doing.

Since that time, the O.A.R.C. has provided coordination and maintained records of all repeaters operating in Ohio. These records have proven useful to the F.C.C. more than once in enforcing the rules of Amateur Radio.