
8-11 August

Meeting place:

Van shed at bottom of drive

Meeting time:


Departure time:


Heading to:

Kaimai Ranges

Return time:

Thursday night - this is dependent on how the group moves through the bush. As a rough estimate, we aim to be back by 7pm.

Gear supplied by each student:

  • Wet weather gear

  • Thermals

  • Socks, shorts, beanie, gloves etc

  • Toothbrush

  • Sleeping bag

  • Snacks

  • Sturdy shoes/tramping boots (tramping boots may be borrowed but this needs to be arranged prior to the trip as numbers are limited)

  • Pack (one can be borrowed from school - these will be issued in the morning of the trip)

  • Pack liner/rubbish bag (to keep the pack contents dry)

  • Cup/Bowl/fork/spoon

  • Water bottle

  • Lunch or money for lunch for the first day

Gear supplied by the school:

  • Tarps

  • Sleeping mat

  • Cookers

  • Pots

  • Lighters

  • Gas

  • Headlights

  • First aid kits

  • Survival kits

  • Maps

  • Compasses

  • Trowel

  • Toilet paper

  • Sanitizer

  • Food