
Logging-on to iLEARN - Students taking iLEARN classes can log-on by going to You can find tutorials videos explaining how to sign-in for the first time and get started here. Students may also get LIVE one-on-one support on these courses with Dylana through GoogleMeet during 4th and 6th period here.

Request a Device from the DOE - To help students stay connected during emergencies, the DOE is lending internet-enabled iPads to support remote learning for students. If you would like to request a device for a NYC student in your family, please fill out the form linked here. Your child’s school will use the contact information you provide to get in touch with you regarding the delivery of your device.

Digital Literacy: Both parents and teachers need to help students be good digital citizens. They both need to support students in using the internet in ways that are safe, responsible, and appropriate. They also help students follow the rules and act in ways that lead to effective digital learning. To learn more here .

Bullying/Respect for All: Respect for All is our system-wide response to bullying and harassment. We are committed to keeping our schools safe, supportive, and free from discrimination. Find more Information here 

Metrocards : Schools distribute student Metrocards to eligible students at the beginning of each semester, and as needed during the school year.