Alternative Learning CENTER

ALP: ALTERNATIVE LEARNING PROGRAM [View Slide Show] [ALP Registration Video]

The ALP provides opportunities for students to earn credits toward graduation in an alternative learning environment. Students referred to the ALP must meet eligibility requirements. Enrollment is optional and classes are offered at WHS. Courses include: SOAR English 9/Civics, SOAR Earth Science/Intermediate Algebra, English 10, English A, English B, World History, US History, Economics, Biology, Geometry, Chemistry, and Algebra 2.

Students who are unable to successfully complete required graduation credit(s) should work with their counselor to develop individualized plans to recover credits through the ALP. A student who is short credits may not earn more than twenty-four (24) credits in one academic year.


Students must meet criteria established by the State of Minnesota (Minnesota Statute 124D.68 Subd. 2) for admission into an Alternative Learning Program. Students are selected on a case-by-case basis through application and interview process.

SOAR - Student Opportunities through Alternative Resources: [Watch Course Video]

SOAR is a program designed for incoming 9th grade students to bridge the transition between middle school and high school. Students are recommended for the SOAR program by their middle school teachers/counselor/dean of students. Students in the SOAR program complete mainstream high school curriculum using more time and resources. Students can register for English 9/Civics and/or Earth Science/Intermediate Algebra. 

Program Goals:


Independent Study is a state-certified program offered after school for students that are at risk of not graduating from high school. Students must be at least 16 years old. Wayzata High School students must have their counselor certify eligibility for this program. Students will work independently via an online course to complete credits. Students must also be in attendance for a minimum number of hours.

Courses Available:

English 9, English 10, English A, English B, Government and Citizenship, World History, US History, Economics, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Intermediate Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Health, Art, and elective credits.


Early/Middle College Program allows high school students to earn dual high school and college credits with well-defined pathways towards earning a postsecondary degree or credential in addition to a high school diploma. Early/Middle College Programs are partnerships between State-Approved Alternative Programs (SAAP) and eligible postsecondary institutions.