How to Create your own Cryptocurrency


Have you ever dreamed of being a millionaire? There’s plenty of ways out there to do so, but not many can be done in a very short amount of time. I’m here to inform you on how to make your own cryptocurrency very quickly with no background whatsoever. You never know if you’ll be the next big thing, so might as well give it a shot. Coding, consensus mechanisms, and creating original idea are the 3 main things I will be informing you on.


Coding is a very important part in creating your own cryptocurrency. The first step is to go to remix and create a workspace, this is where you will be programming your token. The next step is to name your ERC-20 token and remember, this might be the next big thing so make sure you really brainstorm a good name for your token. Now that’s finished, go to GitHub and there will be a code that you are going to copy and paste into your currency. Then go to line 228 and there is a contract name and you can change your name. Next step is press on compile ceo token, and there you have finished the coding part of creating your own cryptocurrency. Although there are other steps of creating your token and putting it out there, in my opinion this is the most difficult part.

Consensus Mechanisms:

Consensus mechanisms verify transaction validity and help protect the security of the underlying blockchain. For example, bitcoin uses proof of work which means there is a computer doing a math problem that is very long and then it goes to the actual proof of work, and then it checks if it is right or wrong. If its wrong it goes back to the first step, and if it's right it goes into the blockchain and you unlock bitcoin. There are lots of consensus mechanisms out there already that other cryptocurrencies use, but it might not fit with what you are trying to succeed with your token. But there are also mechanisms that might fit perfectly with your token, and you can use it.

Creating an Original Idea:

Would you purchase a currency that is boring and is like all the other ones out there? Creating your own original idea is a way to make your currency unique from other currencies. For example, the logo, name, and way to promote can all be ways to make your currency stand out from other ones. Promoting your token is a big way to make your token different because if you promote it uniquely people will find it more intriguing rather than just doing the same thing any other creator has done. One of the more important reasons to do these thing is so more people are attracted to it and buy your token.

By: Gage Westly