Cold Wallets

Cold Digital Wallets

Crypto can be seen in the future of our world. Why not try understanding it now? Let’s start with what a cold digital wallet is. In this article I will be talking about what a digital wallet is and the different types of cold wallets are.

What Are Digital Wallets

Crypto wallets are a way to keep your private keys safe. Private keys are passwords that give you access to your crypto. Digital wallets allow you to receive, send, and use your cryptocurrencies. There are many different forms of digital wallets, from a Ledger to a mobile app. To be clear, digital wallets don't actually store your cryptocurrencies. Your cryptocurrencies are stored on the blockchain and can only be accessed by using your private key. Your private keys allow you to prove your ownership of your holdings and allow you to make transactions. If you lose your private key you will lose access to your cryptocurrencies. This is why you must keep your private keys in a secure and convenient location to make sure they don't get stolen or lost. There are 2 types of digital wallets, hot and cold, but I will only be talking about cold digital wallets

What is a Cold Wallet

Cold storage or a cold wallet is removing your private cryptocurrency keys from your online wallet to somewhere that isn't connected to the internet. Cold wallets don't have the ability to communicate with any other device unless it's physically plugged into that device when you're accessing your keys. Thus, cold wallets are the safest and most secure way to store your crypto. But if you lose this form of wallet, it's lost forever and you won't be able to recover any of the cryptocurrencies linked to that key.

Different types of Cold Wallets

Paper Wallets

The least safe or secure out of all the cold wallets. You print your public and private on paper and store it in a safe location. Paper wallets can be easily lost, destroyed, and the ink can fade.

Hardware Wallets

Storage devices that look like USB drives. They can be plugged into electronic devices to access your wallet. These are one of the best ways to store your cryptocurrency keys in cold wallets.

Sound Wallets

This form of cold wallets are highly impractical and expensive. However, they are really cool. Sound wallets require someone to encrypt and record your cryptocurrency keys in sound files on CDs or records. These codes hidden in the sound can be deciphered using a spectroscope.

Deep Cold Wallets

deep cold storage is any method of storing your keys offline that is very inconvenient and requires lots of time and effort to retrieve your keys. This could be anything from placing your paper wallet in a vault and burying it underground in your backyard to using a third party company that stores your keys in a vault that requires multiple stops to access.

Video to Learn More

By:Jaggen Qie