Elementary Events and Activities

Wayne Elementary Schools: Promoting Acceptance and Inclusivity

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Wayne’s Elementary Schools are working to promote a climate of acceptance and inclusivity by teaching their students the importance of respect, diversity and multicultural learning. This year our elementary schools have accomplished this through a variety of programs, activities and opportunities, which were unified by the No Place For Hate® mission. Take a peek at how our youngest students have learned about the importance of recognizing their own unique abilities and characteristics, while appreciating the diversity within their school communities.

Randall Carter Students Imagine a World Without Hate

Third, fourth and fifth grade students at Randall Carter participated in an "Imagine a World Without Hate" essay contest during the Respect Week. One winner from each class recited their essays during morning announcements.

Sneetches Assembly at APT for Dr. Seuss's Birthday

When APT's scheduled author's visit was postponed due to weather on Dr. Seuss's birthday, the APT staff pulled together to create a powerful Sneetches themed assembly to teach students about inclusivity, acceptance, and respect.

One Book, One School

All students at Randall Carter participated in a No Place for Hate® activity entitled One Book, One School. Students in grades K-2 were paired with a student in grades 3-5 and they read together the book Quakers with the theme of diversity, respect and acceptance. All students engaged in a guided discussion on the themes presented in the text. Students then identified one trait that makes them unique and one trait that they have in common with others. Students recorded these traits on strips of paper, which were all linked together to form a chain that was displayed in the hallway.

Packanack Power!

Packanack Elementary School committed to the No Place For Hate pledge. All students and staff voluntarily signed the pledge banner which hangs proudly over the entrance to the Main Office.