Word Wall - Music Vocabulary

A = Anthem, accordian, acappella, (musical) Alphabet, Agogo, Allegro, alto

B = Brass, bongos, banjo, bells, Beethoven, Bluegrass, Baton, Bass Clef, baritone

C = Conductor, crescendo, cabasa, castanets, cymbals, clarinet, cowbell, calabash, claves, composer

D = Dynamics, drums, djembe, domroo, drum major, dance, disco, dulcimer

E = Early Music, ears, echo, encore, Elvis

F = Folk, fiddle, finger cymbals, flute, French horn, Flamenco, falsetto

G = Guitar, Garageband, gospel, guiro, groove

H = Harmony, hammered dulcimer, harmonica, hymn, humming

I = Intervals, instruments, intonation (maybe - when student led), improvisation

J = Jazz, jive, jitterbug

K = Keyboard, karaoke, kelikimaka

L = Lullaby, lyre, lyrics, listening, loud (FF)

M = Melody, maracas, mariachi, mandolin, Mozart

N = Notes, noise, Nutcracker (ballet)

O = Opera, orchestra, organ, ocarina

P = Pitch (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti) percussion, piano, psaltery, patriotic, polka, pan pipes

Q = Quarter notes, quartet, quiet

R = Rhythm, rests, rehearse, ragtime, rock n' roll

S = Solfege, strings, spirituals, soprano, salsa, speed, sounds

T = Tempo, treble clef, tamborine, trombone, tuba, trumpet, tenor, talking drum

U = Unison, ukelele

V = Voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), viola, violin, volume

W = Waltz, woodwinds, whistle, woodblock

X = Xylophones, eXperimental music

Y = Yodel, Yo Yo Ma, Yankee Doodle

Z = Zither, Zydeco

These are most of the words they will be introduced to this year.