AP Exams

AP Exams at Wayland High School

AP Exam Day Information

This portion of the website will be updated with exam day information in the spring.

Registration & Payment

All students taking AP exams in May 2024 must be registered through the College Board website. Wayland High School offers Wayland High School students who are enrolled in AP courses at Wayland High the opportunity to test here.  

We try to accommodate our students who want to take a test we offer even if they are not enrolled in the class. Due to space constraints and the number of students registering for AP classes, this might not always be possible.

Fees: The cost to take each exam is $105. Please note that Physics: Electricity and Physics: Mechanical are two separate tests and each costs $105.  If a student qualifies for free/reduced lunch or has another financial hardship, please contact the AP Coordinator.

Fees are due by Tuesday, November 15 and should be paid online at this site: If you do not pay by November 15, you must pay a $40 late fee per exam at this site. Any students who drop an AP course after November 15 will have to pay a fee of $40 at this site.  

The exam schedule is linked here. More information about test day will be sent to students in April. For more information about the AP process, studying, and accessing AP materials, please look at College Board’s recommended AP Action Plan.

Further information for parents from the College Board about AP courses is linked here and here. We also recommend listening to an episode of Coordinated, the AP podcast that is geared to parents


Outside Students

Students enrolled in other school districts are not able to take AP Exams at Wayland High School.  Wayland resident families whose children are homeschooled are eligible to take AP Exams at WHS.


If you have any questions, please contact the AP Coordinator, Aimee Lima (aimee_lima@waylandps.org).