Hello Students and Families!

I'm thrilled to connect with you! I miss seeing your smiling faces and enthusiasm for technology already. I have revamped the Happy Hollow Technology website to guide our lessons over the next few weeks as we begin this new at home learning experience.

Each week, you will find specific technology class assignments under "CLASSES". First and second graders will complete their assignments on their school iPad, while third-fifth graders will use their school Chromebook. A home device is also find for some activities.

Families, please take a few minutes to review the Tech @ Home, LARK and the WIT - For Families pages so that the at home experience can be both productive and safe.

Reach out at any time if you are having trouble accessing an activityI! I look forward to seeing you soon!

~ Ms. Crozier


Classes: All classrooms grades 1st through 5th have one 45 minute technology class each week in the computer lab. At the lower grades, classes are designed to build a foundation for using a variety of technology tools. In later grades, we continue to introduce new skills and reinforce students' abilities to use technology tools for finding and evaluating information and for organizing and presenting work.

Equipment: Students are able to access computers and iPads throughout the school: classrooms, library and computer labs. There are also ChromeBook carts available to students in grades 3-5. We are very excited that each classroom in grades 3, 4 and 5 have their own Chromebook cart - facilitating access to teachers/students complete curriculum related projects.

Students also access iPads in all grade levels. Our computer network allows students to access their work from any computer in the district. Internet access and school account use is intended for school related work only.

Software Toolkit: Students work on a variety of programs from Lexia, Symphony Math, All the Right Type (keyboarding practice), Internet Research, Programming (Beebots, ProBots, Code.org), Google Docs and more. Further details about our technology standards may be found on the WPS Technology Department website.