
Registration Handbook

Each year Wausau West updates it's registration handbook to reflect any changes in course offerings, activities/clubs, and other pertinent information.

School Profile

The School Profile provides valuable information regarding ACT scores and post high school plans of students at Wausau West.

Graduation Requirements

The responsibility for completing all graduation requirements at the proper time rests with the student. While faculty and counselors will assist students in planning their program, they are not expected to relieve the students of their responsibility.

4 Year Plan

This blank 4 year plan is a tool that students can use to prepare what their high school academic career might look like.

Report Cards

Grades measuring student achievement are given at the end of each quarter. Quarter grades are not recorded on the student's transcript or permanent record. Semester grades that are recorded on a student's transcript are given at the end of each semester. Credit toward graduation is awarded on the basis of semester grades. Students should be aware that semester grades are calculated in a number of different ways by the faculty.

If students have questions about their grades or the credit they receive for a course, they should contact the teacher involved or the Programming Office.

Report cards are distributed in homeroom at the end of the 1st quarter, 1st semester and 3rd quarter. At the end of the 2nd semester, they are mailed to the home.


Following is a list of grades and symbols used on report cards. A short explanation of each is given:

Achievement Grade:

A = Excellent

B = Above Average

C = Average

D = Below Average

F = Failure

I = Work Incomplete

S = Satisfactory

U = Unsatisfactory

PCR = Credit Awarded

WF = Withdrawal Failure

WU = Withdrawal Unsatisfactory

SWI = Incomplete Swimming Component of PE 9

**GPA at Wausau West is unweighted**

Incomplete Grade Policy:

Physical Education:

All incompletes in Phy Ed will become unsatisfactory grades after the 5th week of the following quarter if the required work is not completed.

All Other Departments:

Each teacher will set up timelines for the incompletes to be completed. If those timelines are not met, the incomplete grade becomes a failure grade.

Progress Reports:

At mid-quarter a progress report indicating student's progress will be mailed to parents. We suggest that if at any time parents are concerned about the progress of their son or daughter, they should contact the school or the teacher. At any time a teacher may communicate with a parent if they see a change in a student's performance.

Honor Roll:

West publishes an honor roll based on semester grades. Qualifications are:

  1. A minimum 3.5 grade point average for the previous semester. Courses issuing S/U grades are not included in the calculation.

  2. No failing semester grades.

  3. Incompletes must be cleared in the office within eight (8) school days following the end of the semester.

  4. Student must be carrying an approved load.

The honor roll will be published on the second Friday following the end of each semester. Students not named to the honor roll may appeal by notifying the Programming Assistant Principal within three school days following the posting of the honor roll.

Academic Awards:

"W" Award Year-End GPA Medal Awards:

  • Freshman = 4.00

  • Sophomore = 3.75

  • Junior = 3.50

  • Senior = 3.50

Medal Awards:

  • Gold = 4.00

  • Silver = 3.75

  • Bronze = 3.50

Class Rank:

Each letter grade carries a specific number of points which are used to determine class rank. The following points are awarded for each letter grade:


A = 4

B = 3

C = 2

D = 1

F = 0

I = 0

PCR = 0

WF = 0

S = Not included in GPA

WU = Not included in GPA

U = Not included in GPA

At the end of seven semesters, each student's accumulated grade points are divided by the total credits attempted. The result is a grade point average which is then used to rank the senior class in a descending order. The following policies are used in determining seven semesters' class rank:

    1. All grade changes must be recorded in the Programming Office by the last day of the seventh semester.

    2. Incompletes or grade changes pertaining to the seventh semester must be recorded by the end of the fourth week following the seventh semester.

    3. High school credit earned in the eighth grade will not be included in the rank.

    4. PCR grades will be included as credits earned but no grade points will be awarded.

    5. S, U and WU grades are not included in the GPA.

    6. Student aide and internship grades are not included in the class rank.

    7. Graduating juniors will not be included in the senior class rank.