Mrs. Rutzinski's Updates

Trimester 2

December 2023- March 2024

Trimester 2 at SMC we will be working on a number of different units including badminton, volleyball, fitness, and frisbees as well as playing games. 

Trimester 2 at the SWC campus will include throwing practice, cooperative games, sport stations, skill stations, soccer skills, and bowling.

This year we are continuing to use standards based grading in phy. ed. for grades 1 through 5. I have broken each unit into 2 parts that encompass the 2 priority physical education standards. The students will be given a 3, 2, or 1 or 4, 3, 2, or 1 for grades 4 and 5, based on their completion/competency in each of those areas. Every unit will also have sub-standards attached that further document what students learned. 

Kindergarten will continue using the WMEL standards to guide instruction. Students are graded via a written narrative comment. 

Grading Scale:

4- Students can combine complex skills consistently with accuracy in dynamic settings. They can apply and explain complex concepts and strategies related to the games.

3- Student can do all of the skills with accuracy, with proper form, and without help or verbal cues from the teacher both in static and dynamic settings.

2- Student can do all of the skills some or most of the time. Students may struggle with mastery, accuracy, or using proper form. Student may need help or verbal cues (reminders) from the teacher. 

1- There is not enough evidence available to grade the student at this time.

Standards Explanation: 

Physical Skills- Standard 1  Any physical skills learned and performed during the unit.

Concepts and Strategies- Standard 2  Using strategies and tactics, knowledge and adherence to rules, unit vocabulary, keeping score, etc.

Learner Behaviors- Standard 4 Cooperating with teammates, having good sportsmanship, respecting themselves and others, being safe and responsible while playing, following rules and procedures, and challenging themselves to get better.

*The complete standards as they are written are located on the "home" page.