Water Saving Tips
Water Saving Week is over until March 2019. In the mean time, go to www.waterwise.org.uk for water saving tips and info, and email info@waterwise.org.uk if you would like to get involved in Water Saving Week 2019
Here are five of our best water saving tips. For more, check out our daily themes in the navigation bar above.
- Check if you've got a leaky loo. A toilet leaking clean water from the cistern to the pan can waste up to 400 litres of water a day (that’s five full bath tubs) and add around £300 a year to your water bill if left unfixed.
- Keep your shower short and sweet! A four minute shower is plenty long enough, and cutting time down means you save energy as well as water. Click here for more shower tips, and to find out what kind of water user you are.
- Fill your washing machine to the brim. Clothes washing now accounts for 15% of water we use in our homes, so put a few extra shirts in to make the most of your load.
- Use your dual flush properly! The smaller button gives a little flush, suitable for pee. Only use the bigger flush when you need to.
- Fridge it! Putting a large bottle of tap water in the fridge will ensure you can have chilled water all the time. Waiting for the tap to run cold can waste more than 10L of tap water a day.
Why Save Water?
Save Money
Saving water saves money. Installing simple devices such as water-efficient taps and showers will save both water and energy by minimising the use of heated water. An efficient shower head could reduce household bills by up to £120 per year. Such large financial savings can be particularly vital for households facing water and/or energy poverty.
Climate Change
Our use of water and energy are closely linked. Operational emissions from the water industry account for nearly 1% of the UK’s total. A major source of emissions is from using hot water within homes. Reducing the time you shower or the amount of hot water you use for cleaning dishes therefore has a significant impact on your personal carbon footprint.
The Environment
Using water efficiently means that we can minimise the amount of additional water resources being taking out of our rivers and aquifers, especially as demands are rising.
Securing Water Supplies
As water resources become scarcer, building new infrastructure for augmenting supply becomes increasingly expensive. If we save water that is otherwise wasted, we can offset the need for new infrastructures and reduce pressure on existing ones. Additionally, efficient water use makes our supply more resilient against impacts from climate change, such as droughts.