Waterford Public Schools

Student Devices


 Grades PreK - 1 

Why did we choose iPads?

iPads are ideal for students in the primary grades. It’s small and light with a simple, intuitive interface that allows young students to undertake tasks independently. Direct interaction with content on iPads is highly engaging for primary learners. Even nonreaders can instantly interact with iPad—they can listen, watch, draw, record audio, take photos, and shoot video. 

The built-in features on iPads, along with access to curriculum apps make them valuable for supporting young learners. iPads can transform into almost any tool students need—a camera, a book, a drawing canvas, a voice recorder, a math manipulative—the list goes on. 

iPads are also helpful tools for primary teachers. They can record student observations to demonstrate academic progress and create content to enrich student learning experiences. 

Early elementary programs provide rich learning opportunities that develop physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language abilities. iPads—just one component of these learning opportunities—can be used to enhance current classroom strategies. 

Each grade level classroom PreK-1 is supplied with a class set of iPads. This makes it possible for each child to have a device throughout their school day.  These iPads remain in school. 


Grades 2-12

Why did we choose Chromebooks?


Chromebooks are web-based devices designed around accessing the Internet through a web browser. They boot in seven seconds and resume instantly—eliminating time wasted with traditional computer startup and network connection. Long battery life (8-9 hours) means Chromebooks last an entire school day. Chromebooks are lighter and smaller than traditional laptops, but provide larger screens than the average tablet. They require little maintenance and are much lower in cost than iPads or laptops. Each Chromebook is managed by the district and we restrict access to non-education sites and apps using 3rd party software from Securly and our district web filter.

Waterford has been using Chromebooks since 2015 and they can be found in classrooms from Grades 2 through 12. Students have been using Google Workspace to collaborate with peers and share work with teachers in many classes. Applications, school work, and settings are stored in the cloud and are available anywhere the student has Internet access. There is no special training required: If you know how to use the Web, you know how to use a Chromebook. 

The tight integration between Chromebooks and Google Workspace, ease of use, battery life and low total cost of ownership make Chromebooks the best choice for student devices.

Chromebooks can seamlessly access Google Workspace apps like Docs, Slides, and Sheets, as well as other Google apps approved and provided by the school district. Having all students on school issued Chromebooks, allows teachers and the IT team to more easily monitor devices and troubleshoot issues that may arise.