
Snow Canyon High School believes that consistent and prompt attendance will greatly increase a student’s opportunities to gain a meaningful and quality education. It has been shown that frequent tardiness and absenteeism have a negative impact on student learning as well as a disruptive effect on classroom instruction. Snow Canyon High School supports the following Washington County School Board approved academic participation principles:

Washington County School District Policy 2900 says that for excusing absences (Section 3.3.1 and 3.3.2), parents should excuse prior to the student missing (for non-illnesses). For illnesses and family emergencies, excuses should happen in a reasonable time frame, but not to exceed one week after the absence.

Students must check out of school through the attendance office. A parent must either call the office or the attendance office must call the student’s home to verify the student has permission to leave. Students will not be allowed to check out of school and remain on campus.

Parents and legal guardians are permitted, by Washington County School District policy, to excuse tardies for 1st and 5th periods only. Parents are expected to call the school attendance secretary at 435-634-1967 to excuse their child’s absence from class within one week of the absence or tardy. We encourage parents/guardians to pick up a SCHS Educational/Family Leave Form from the attendance secretary if the student will be absent for more than three days. Parents/Guardians will be asked to meet with SCHS Administration to resolve significant attendance issues. 

Teachers will often, if not always, have bell work assignments at the beginning of each class period. Being tardy to any class may result in the forfeiture of these points. It is up to teacher discretion as to whether or not these points can be made up. Bell work points will not exceed 10% of a student’s final grade.