Locker Room


The locker room is a unique environment, probably one of the most unique located here at Tonaquint. Although different from a traditional classroom setting, students should carry the same level of respect for rules as regular academic classrooms located around the building. Students should arrive on time, prepared with their PE uniform , ready to learn and follow directions. Most importantly, students should have respect for other's personal space and belongings (keep your hands to yourself).

You will be changing for physical education class into your uniform. For some students, this is the first experience of getting dressed with others in the same area. This is one of the main purposes of the locker room: to get changed into proper athletic attire. Each student will receive a combination lock that that will keep for the school year and return back at the end of trimester when leaving PE. There is a level of privacy and safety within the locker room for students, but proper supervision of this area is one of our teacher duties. Students are not to change in the bathroom stall area unless an issue or concern is brought to our attention.

If you are in repeated violation of the locker room rules listed below, teachers have the right to move your locker at anytime, for any reason. Act appropriately or you will lose privileges of using/changing in the locker room.


  1. No gum, food, or flavored drinks (water only please).

  2. No screaming/yelling.

  3. Clean up after self.

  4. Keep hands/feet to self and only touch property belonging to you.

  5. Appropriate language at all times.