Will we be required to shower after class?

Showers are completely optional

What should I bring in to put into my gym locker?

The essentials - sneakers, extra socks, towel, deodorant, a separate sweatshirt just for outdoor PE class etc.

Can I take my lock home?

NO. School issued locks stay in the locker room and NEVER leaves the locker room without teacher permission.

What do I do if I can't find my lock?

Tell your teacher immediately. Also look in your general area as it may be locked on another locker. If students/teachers can't find lost lock the cost is $5.00 for replacement.

Who is responsible if I lose something?

You are, as the student! Once your teacher issues you a lock and locker, you are responsible for all personal items.

Am I allowed to bring in my own lock from home?

Yes as long as it is NOT a keyed lock. Combination locks ONLY!