Exploring Technology Syllabus 

CCourse Title:  Engineering Technology                                                                                      Lab Fee:  $10.00

Instructor:  Mr. Stull Phone:  435-628-0441 

E-mail:  Tyler.stull@washk12.org Address:  929 South 100 East St. George, Utah 84770 

Classroom:  162 Class Time:  Assigned A or B day

Office/Shop Hours:  Monday - Friday,7:45-8:15 and 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Unless Scheduled with the teacher

Course Description 

Exploring Technology is a comprehensive, action-based, course that introduces students to technology and its impact on society. Students will develop problem-solving skills, improve awareness for College & Career Readiness (CCR), and build understanding of the relationship between science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Students will explore Engineering and at least three of the following seven technology areas: 1) agriculture & biotechnology, 2) construction, 3) energy & power, 4) information & communication, 5) manufacturing, 6) medical, and 7) transportation.

Course Objectives

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

3. Understand the characteristics and scope of technology              3.Identify career opportunities in technology fields

4. Explain the cultural, social, economic, environmental, and political effects of technology, and explain the historical role of society in the development and use of technology

A more detailed list of standards for this course can be found HERE.

Course Requirements

In order to successfully complete this course, students are expected to:

Course Policies & Procedures

Final Grades

Your final course grade for the semester will be calculated based on the following weighted categories:

Assessments – 70%


Final letter grades will be assigned based on your percentage score according the district-mandated grading breakdown.


Thorough out the course, you will take an in-class online quiz on the material covered previously. 

You will have two attempts at each quiz

Your score will be the best of the two attempts. No additional attempts will be given. 

Safety tests will also be graded as part of your Classwork grade.

Projects assigned in class will be graded through a rubric provided with the assignment on Canvas.


You will be given a variety of assignments both in and out of the shop. Shop participation is expected and required. Due dates will be posted on Canvas.


Most course content is delivered online via Canvas in the form of mini-lectures and other videos, readings, etc. Class time becomes open work time in which students are free to engage in self-directed learning. Canvas will be used extensively in this course to provide learning materials, track student progress, and communicate with students and parents. Students are expected to check Canvas daily. Parents should also create an account and check Canvas frequently so they know what is coming up for their students.  It is highly recommended that parents and students install the Canvas app on mobile devices they may have, and enable email/push notifications.

Attendance, Missed Work, & Late Work

Dress Policy

Due to safety considerations, the following dress standards* are required to use the lab facilities.  You should always come to class appropriately dressed to work in the shop.  Students not able to meet these standards will be asked to stay in the classroom or go change appropriate attire.

*Note: These standards are in addition to the DMS Dress Code standards and do not replace or modify the Dress Code except as necessary to maximize the safety of students while using the technology lab facilities.

General Class Expectations

*Note: Prescription eyeglasses are not safety glasses unless they meet 2003 ANSI Z87.1 standards


If a student has not passed all the safety tests within 3 weeks of the start of the tests parents will be notified that a discussion with the counselors will take place to determine if the student should be removed form the class. 

Serious or repeated safety violations may result in immediate referral to the assistant principal for administrative discipline, T2 Recovery time, up to and including permanent removal from the class.

Students who damage equipment or facilities by failing to follow the shop safety practices taught in class will be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement and may be referred to law enforcement in the case of vandalism or other illegal behavior.

Required Materials

Pencil (daily)                                                                            Notebook or note paper in a binder (daily)

(Suggested but not required) safety glasses                        All other materials, including safety glasses, will be provided.

Lab Fee

This course has a $10 lab fee which is paid to the finance secretary at DMS or online. This fee is used along with other funds to provide some materials for the course so that students can take their work home with them. Teachers cannot and will not accept or handle payments. Students on fee waiver are not required to pay the lab fee.


The textbook used in this class is provided.

School and District Policies

All School and District Policies are adhered to in this class. Please refer to the School and district policies located on their websites and in the student hand book.