

The Scientific Soiree has its own podcast where I record fun math problems and my website pages. Check it out here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2294306/14250380.

As I mention throughout this website, email me at twisha.sharma30@gmail.com if you have any questions at all about any of my concepts or pages, and let me know if you want to choose the next math problem for the podcast!

Thank you so much for reading! ❤️

Frustrated because you can't find everything you need in one place? Well, this site is for you!

I created this website so you can find many of the topics you need in one place, and because I want to share what I've learned about science by blogging about topics in these fields in a fun, interesting way, hopefully sparking in interest in others. I also host free short sessions to help people learn more or answer any questions I know how to do. More information about this is at the bottom of this page.

This website is very recent - it is NOT complete. I am trying my hardest to write 1 page a week, but I may be delayed. You will see pages with nothing on them yet - please be patient. For your convenience, here are the completed, in progress, and to be completed pages listed below. The completed pages are linked. The pages in progress will appear to be blank, but I have mentioned them so that you know what to look for in the coming weeks. 

Completed pages (in the best order to read them in):

Physics Section

Biology Section

Pages in progress:

Pages to be completed:

Please feel free to explore. Please email me at twisha.sharma30@gmail.com if you would like to join the sessions or if you have any questions at all! I'm more than happy to help. I will start them as soon as someone emails me about them, and the timings are flexible. I will keep the session sizes small to help focus on each person.

Works Cited

Hewitt, Paul G, et al. Conceptual Physical Science. Sixth ed., Boston, Pearson, 2017.

Campbell, Neil A, et al. Biology : Concepts & Connections. 9th ed., New York Pearson, 2018.